Reduce Anxiety and Trauma Symptoms In as little as 3 hours
Reprogram your mind with powerful hypnosis to increase confidence and happiness
- Get anxiety relief, often starting in your 1st session
- Neutralize traumatic memories in hours, not months
- Lose weight naturally without diets, so you keep it off

Tired of Anxiety & Trauma?
Discover Hypnotherapy
Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of anxiety and trauma, unable to escape? You’re not alone. Countless people around the world struggle with this – which significantly impacts their life.
Does the weight of past experiences hold you back from living fully? Whether it’s unnecessary suffering or not living up to your potential, these can feel impossible to shake off – especially if you’ve already tried other methods to get relief. They may be hindering your career, sabotaging your relationship, or affecting your kids.
Imagine a life where these emotional chains are gone. Hypnotherapy offers a powerful, natural way to address the root causes of your struggles, helping you to release the past and step into a more fulfilling future.
Change Your Life, Now!
Long-Lasting Effects
We fix the cause of your problem so it sticks
Rapid Results
We aim for hours, not months or years
Gentle Healing
Without rehashing the past or mind-bending meds
What Our Clients Say About Us
Working with Dan has been a game-changing experience! In just a few sessions, Dan helped me let go of a year-long trauma and move into a place of peace about it. He also helped me reframe some childhood experiences that have been causing me problems in my adult life. After each session I felt lighter and free.
Debbie Belmessieri
It’s difficult to overstate the skill with which Dan navigates the subconscious. Over just a few sessions, he has transformed my perspective on anxiety and limiting beliefs. These are real tangible changes that have already had a material impact on my quality of life. These results vastly exceed anything I’ve attempted in the past.
Gearoid Murphy
I had been dealing with the effects of an event that happened when I was 11 , and over 20 years later I continued to feel haunted by it. The slightest thing could trigger me and cause me to relive the pain of this incident. Dan was able to erase this emotional pain in only a few visits. I have felt free and new ever since my sessions with him, and this feeling last.
Michelle Belmessieri
What Services We Offer
- Anxiety Reduction – Overcome anxiety with hypnosis
- Trauma Relief – Neutralize the effects of trauma
- Weight Loss – Lose weight without strict diets
- Increase Confidence – To enhance your career
- Defeat Fears – Like flying, driving, public speaking
- Overcome procrastination – So you get things done
- Stress Reduction – For a calmer life
- Life Coaching – Set and achieve important goals
- Increase Happiness – For a more joyful life
- Sleep Better – End the cycle of negative thoughts
Hypnosis is a process of focusing your attention and following suggestions. If you can follow suggestions and are a willing participant in the process you can be hypnotized. The type of people who cannot be hypnotized are those with an IQ of less than 70 or those who do not want to be hypnotized.
I invite people to think about it more in terms of results rather than sessions. Your investment will depend on what you would like to achieve or resolve. And since every client is unique, it is not something that can be answered specifically here. That is why I encourage you to reach out for a consultation so that I can determine how I can help you, and estimate your investment for your desired results. All of that said, most people find that the work is fast and painless. A number of my clients had been in years of “talk-therapy” at great expense when they came to see me, and then had their issues resolved in a handful of sessions. They have then reported back months or years later that their changes had persisted, and found great value in what they had received.
Everyone is an individual, so there is no set answer for a given presenting issue or goal. Many of my clients start to see change within the first few sessions. Sometimes the issue a client comes in with isn’t the only issue, and may even be indicative of other, underlying causes. As we heal the deeper underlying causes, it can make the process more transformative. It is why sometimes a client can engage to resolve a problem, but end up getting much more than they came in for. Sometimes it is a simple and direct healing of a specific issue. We can explore your issue during your consultation session and I will have a better idea on how long it will take at the end of that session.
I do not bill insurance. At this time, few insurance companies cover hypnosis or coaching because the insurance industry does not have a specific billing code for it. Clients generally see the value of investing directly in resolving an issue. If you have a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA), contact your administrator, as you may be able to cover the cost of your sessions with these funds.
Before your consultation session, you will watch a short orientation video that will explain how hypnosis works and it answers common questions about the process. In our 1:1 consultation session, I will gather information from you on what you want to resolve from our work together, and what you want to experience instead of the issue. I will craft a treatment plan for you which we will go over together. Then I will answer any questions you have so you can feel comfortable working with me, and we will go over how to get started.