Imagine drifting into deep relaxation, where your mind feels free to explore new possibilities, guided by a calming voice. That’s the essence of hypnotherapy – a therapeutic technique that taps into the power of your subconscious to help you:

  • Overcome challenges
  • Break unwanted habits
  • Unlock your full potential

Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, a path to quitting smoking, or a way to manage chronic pain, hypnotherapy offers a gentle yet powerful approach to transformation.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

At its core, hypnotherapy is psychological treatment that involves a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and deep relaxation. Contrary to the misconceptions we see in movies, hypnosis is NOT mind control or a manipulation. 

Instead, it is a collaborative process between the hypnotherapist and the client, designed to access the subconscious mind to make positive changes. 

During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist uses verbal cues and suggestions to guide the client.

It’s a bit like daydreaming, but more profound.

When in this state, you become more open to suggestions, letting you access thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that you might not fully access while conscious. Hypnosis can be compared to the experience of becoming so engrossed in a book or movie that you’re completely unaware of your surroundings. 

The Science Behind Hypnosis

Research has shown that hypnosis can lead to measurable changes in brain activity.

Studies using brain scans like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalogram (EEG) show that hypnosis changes how our brains work.

During hypnosis, some parts of the brain become more active while others quiet down. 

The area of the brain that helps us focus and control ourselves becomes more active, which might explain why it’s easier to concentrate during hypnosis. Also, the part of the brain that handles daydreaming and self-reflection slows down, making it easier to tune out distractions.

These brain changes are linked to the positive effects people experience from hypnotherapy. 

Because the brain is more open to suggestions during hypnosis, it can better process ideas that lead to real change, like:

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Easing pain
  • Breaking bad habits

The 3 Main Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can be a powerful therapeutic tool for personal growth and healing. People often report these benefits after going through my hypnosis sessions.

#1: Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Hypnosis is a popular way to manage stress and feelings of anxiety. In a session, your hypnotherapist helps you relax deeply, allowing you to find the root causes of your anxiety and reframe your thoughts.

This often leads to a calmer response to stress in everyday life. 

Many people feel more peaceful even after the session ends and that can last over time. Additionally, their therapist can help them learn strategies to stay relaxed and handle stress more effectively.

#2: Pain Management

Hypnotherapy is effective for managing both acute and chronic pain, including conditions like 

  • Migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Post-surgery pain

During sessions, visualization techniques are used to guide you to visualize your pain in a way that helps you reduce its intensity, often by imagining it as something you can control, like color or sensation.

Research shows that hypnotherapy can change how people perceive pain, making them feel more in control and reducing their discomfort. This can complement traditional medical treatments, offering long-lasting relief and empowering you to manage pain with visualization and relaxation.

#4: Behavioral Modification

Hypnotherapy helps to change habits like:

  • Smoking
  • Overeating
  • Overcoming phobias. 

Your hypnotherapist will guide you into a deeply relaxed state where you access your subconscious mind – the place where deep-rooted beliefs and patterns live. 

This makes it easier to propose positive suggestions that lead to lasting changes!

For instance, someone trying to quit smoking might visualize the benefits of a smoke-free life, creating strong, positive associations with their goal. Research shows that hypnotherapy works by bypassing the conscious mind’s resistance, making habit change feel more like an empowered choice than a struggle.

How Does Hypnosis Work

Here’s an overview of the typical hypnotherapy process:

1. Initial Consultation

Before the hypnotherapy session begins, most therapists will conduct an initial consultation. This is an opportunity for you to discuss:

  • Goals
  • Concerns and questions
  • What you hope to achieve

During this conversation, the hypnotherapist may ask questions about your medical history, any previous experiences with therapy, and specific issues you wish to address, whether it’s anxiety, smoking cessation, or pain management

This foundational step helps tailor the approach to your unique needs.

2. Induction Phase

During a session, a hypnotherapist guides you into a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. The therapist may use soothing language, progressive relaxation techniques, or visualization exercises to help you relax deeply. 

As the mind becomes more open to suggestions, a hypnotherapist facilitates a deeper exploration of the subconscious.

3. Deepening Techniques

To deepen your trance, the therapist might use techniques like:

  • Counting down
  • Guided imagery
  • Breathing exercises

These methods help you relax even more and sharpen your focus.

For instance, the therapist might ask you to picture yourself walking down a staircase, feeling more relaxed with each step. This helps quiet your conscious mind, giving you better access to your subconscious, where your deeper beliefs and emotions are stored.

4. Suggestion Phase

Once you’re deeply relaxed, the therapist will introduce suggestions that match your goals. 

These might be direct, like telling you to feel calm in stressful situations, or more subtle, using stories that connect with your experiences. Because you’re more open and receptive in this state, these suggestions can really sink in, helping to create positive changes.

5. Exploration and Transformation

In some hypnosis sessions, your therapist might guide you to explore past experiences or memories, especially those that could be affecting you now. This can lead to:

  • Valuable insights
  • Emotional release
  • Fresh way of looking at things

By seeing them from a new perspective, you can change how they affect you and reduce their impact.

6. Emergence

After giving you suggestions related to your goal, your hypnotherapist will emerge you from the hypnotic state. Common ways to do that include counting upwards, using metaphors like going up an escalator, and giving you suggestions to return to a full waking state of consciousness.

What Conditions is Hypnosis Helpful in Treating?

Hypnotherapy has been proven to be effective in treating a variety of health conditions, including:

  • Anxiety and Stress: Promotes relaxation and helps manage anxiety symptoms.
  • Chronic Pain: Reduces pain from conditions like arthritis, migraines, and fibromyalgia.
  • Insomnia: Improves sleep by addressing underlying stress or anxiety.
  • Addictions: Aids in breaking habits like smoking, overeating, or substance abuse.
  • Phobias: Eases fears and phobias, such as fear of flying or public speaking.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Relieves symptoms like pain, bloating, and discomfort.
  • Depression: Supports mood improvement and coping strategies alongside other treatments.
  • Weight Loss: Encourages healthier eating habits and boosts motivation for exercise.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Helps process trauma and reduce symptoms.
  • Skin Conditions: Eases conditions like eczema or psoriasis by reducing stress-related triggers, or treatment side effects.

A certified hypnotherapist will evaluate your situation, and can usually estimate how many hypnosis sessions you’ll need during your consultation.

Here are the 5 most common myths about hypnosis.

Myth 1: Hypnosis is Mind Control

A common myth is that it lets the therapist control your mind and make you do things against your will. 

In reality, you stay in control the whole time. The therapist can suggest ideas, but you decide whether to accept or reject them. Hypnosis can’t make you do anything against your will or values.

Myth 2: You Can Get Stuck in a Trance

Some people think you can get stuck in a hypnotic state, like in movies. But in real life, you can always wake up from hypnosis whenever you want, either by the therapist’s suggestion or on your own. 

If the session ends or you otherwise emerge from hypnosis, you’ll usually feel refreshed.

Myth 3: Only Weak-Minded People Can Be Hypnotized

This is completely false!

Being hypnotized has nothing to do with being weak-minded. It depends on factors like:

  • Your focus level
  • How open you are to suggestions
  • Past experiences with relaxation

People with strong concentration or vivid imaginations often find it easier to be hypnotized. 

Intelligence and suggestibility aren’t linked – smart people can be just as easily hypnotized (I know it’s a huge relief for you!). These myths can stop people from trying hypnosis, which can worsen their anxiety, pain control, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Myth 4: You Won’t Remember Anything After Hypnosis

Some people think hypnosis wipes out your memory of the session, but that’s not the case. 

Most people hear everything that happened during hypnosis, and would remember about as much as they would from a normal conversation. Yes, you’re in a state of deep relaxation, but you’re still aware and can recall what was said and experienced.

Myth 5: Hypnosis Is Like Being Asleep

Another common myth is that hypnosis is the same as being asleep. 

In reality, hypnosis is a state of focused awareness. You’re fully conscious and hear everything around you – it’s more like being deeply relaxed and concentrated, not asleep.

Get Started With Hypnosis & Change Your Life Now!

The first step is to find a certified and experienced hypnotherapist who can help you achieve your goals; whether that is:

  • Weight loss
  • Anxiety and stress reduction
  • Trauma relief
  • Pain control
  • Behavioral changes.

If you’re looking for an experienced hypnotherapist in San Jose, you can contact us today for a FREE consultation. That way, you can learn more about the whole process and whether hypnosis is the right solution for your problems – without any need to invest.

Not in the San Jose neighborhood – we got you!?

We also do online hypnotherapy sessions. So no matter where you’re in the world, we help you reclaim your full control of your life with hypnosis. Book a FREE consultation right now and take control of your life, cure that anxiety, and lose weight once and for all.


Can hypnosis be used to treat phobias?

Yes, hypnosis can be a powerful tool for overcoming phobias. By accessing the subconscious mind, a therapist can help you reframe your thoughts and feelings about the feared object or situation.

How many hypnosis sessions are typically needed?

You will usually need around 1 – 3 sessions to see an improvement. Some people may experience significant improvement after a single session, while others may need 3 or more. It depends on the issue and the person.

Is hypnosis suitable for children?

Yes, hypnosis can be used with children. However, it’s important to work with a therapist who has experience working with children and can adapt techniques to their developmental stage.

Can hypnosis be combined with other forms of therapy?

Yes, hypnosis can be effectively combined with other therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or psychotherapy.

Will I be able to remember everything that happened during hypnosis?

Most people can remember what happened during a hypnosis session. However, some people may experience a sense of amnesia or forgetfulness about certain details of the session.