The 3 Things Hypnosis Cannot Do (2024)

Hypnosis is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions, such as:

  • Myth #1: Hypnosis is mind control
  • Myth #2: You can get stuck in trance
  • Myth #3: Only weak-minded people can be hypnotized

This often leads many people to believe it has almost magical powers. And while hypnosis can be a powerful tool for personal change, it’s vital to understand its limits. In this post, we’ll clear up some of the biggest misconceptions by discussing three things hypnosis cannot do

That way, you get a clearer picture of what hypnosis is really capable of – and what it isn’t.

What Is Hypnosis & How Does It Work?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that works by guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and focused attention, often described as a trance-like state. During this, your conscious mind, the part of you that’s aware, takes a step back, allowing your subconscious mind, where your core beliefs reside, to be more accessible. 

This is where the real work happens (and emotional and behavioral changes occur).

what can hypnosis do

A skilled hypnotist or hypnotherapist will use various techniques such as guided imagery or progressive muscle relaxation, to help you reach this relaxed state. Once you’re there, they’ll offer suggestions aimed at helping you make positive changes, such as:

  • Managing chronic pain
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Getting over a specific fear like public speaking or flying

These suggestions are more likely to work because your mind is more open and receptive to change in this state.

The TOP 3 Things Hypnosis Cannot Do

Let’s clarify the three most common misconceptions about hypnosis.

Misconception 1: Hypnosis Is a Form of Mind Control

Despite what you might see in movies or on stage, hypnosis is NOT a form of mind control.

You won’t spill your deepest secrets or act against your will. 

And no ethical hypnotherapist would ask you to do so.

You remain fully aware and in control during the entire process. Hypnosis is a collaborative effort between you and the hypnotist, and the suggestions only work if you’re willing to accept them.

Understanding Hypnotic Suggestion

Hypnotic suggestion is all about planting ideas or thoughts in your mind while you’re in a deeply relaxed state. But here’s the key: these suggestions only take root if they align with your values and goals. 

If a suggestion feels wrong or goes against what you believe, your mind will simply reject it!

Hypnosis works by making you more open to ideas that you already find acceptable, not by forcing anything on you. It’s a tool to guide your thoughts in a positive direction – it doesn’t override your free will.

Misconception 2: Hypnosis Can Erase Your Memories

A common myth about hypnosis is that it can wipe away unwanted memories, like a magic delete button. 

The idea that you can erase painful or embarrassing moments from your past is appealing, but it’s not how hypnosis works. Hypnosis can help you reframe how you feel about certain memories, making them less emotionally intense, but it doesn’t erase them. 

Your memories remain intact; hypnosis just changes how they affect you.

Reframing vs. Erasing Memories

When you’re under hypnosis, you revisit past experiences and view them from a different perspective. This process, known as reframing, helps you change the emotional charge of a memory.

For instance, a memory that once caused anxiety or depression might become less troubling after hypnosis. 

However, the memory itself doesn’t disappear – it’s still there, just with less power to upset you. Hypnosis helps you gain control over how you respond to your memories, not remove them altogether.

Misconception 3: Hypnosis Can Force Behaviors Against Personal Morals

Another myth is that hypnosis can make you act against your morals or ethical beliefs, like turning you into a mindless zombie who follows any command.

In reality, hypnosis can’t make you do anything that goes against your core values. 

Even in a deep hypnotic state, your sense of right and wrong remains intact. If a suggestion conflicts with your moral code, your mind will reject it. 

Hypnosis is a tool for enhancing your willpower, not for overriding it.

The Limits of Hypnotic Influence

The influence of hypnosis is limited by your own moral and ethical boundaries. 

During a session, you might become more open to suggestions, but only if they align with what you already believe or want to change.

For instance, if you’re using hypnosis to quit smoking, it can help strengthen your resolve to stop, but it won’t make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with. The power of hypnosis lies in helping you tap into your motivations, not in forcing you to do things that feel wrong to you.

What Hypnosis Can Do

Hypnosis can be used as a complementary therapy in a variety of ways. 

For instance, it can be an effective tool for pain management, helping people with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or even those undergoing radiation treatment to find relief. It’s also used to address mental health condition symptoms such as

  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Depression

But it’s not a magical delete button that will instantly erase all problems!

It can be a part of a comprehensive treatment plan that often includes other forms of therapy, like cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Also, the process of hypnosis isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. 

Each session is tailored to your specific needs, and the success of hypnotherapy depends on various factors, including:

  • Your openness to the experience
  • The skill of the hypnotherapist

While it’s a valuable tool for personal growth and improving your quality of life, it’s important to have realistic expectations about what it can and cannot do.

Get Started With Hypnosis & Change Your Life

Now you know what hypnosis can and cannot do, it can help you know what to expect from your hypnosis sessions. If you’re seeking relief from trauma, anxiety, and depression, or you’re looking to lose weight or quit your bad habits, contact us today for an initial consultation.

It’s completely FREE and you’ll learn a lot about yourself just from the initial consultation.

If you live in San Jose, we offer physical hypnotherapy sessions, so you come into our office in person. If you’re not from here, or prefer online sessions, we offer that, too!


Can hypnosis help with physical ailments like chronic pain or insomnia?

Yes, hypnosis has been shown to be effective in managing chronic pain and improving sleep quality. It can help reduce pain perception, promote relaxation, and address underlying psychological factors that may contribute to these conditions.

Can hypnosis be used to enhance athletic performance?

Some athletes have used hypnosis to improve their focus, concentration, and mental toughness, potentially leading to better performance. Hypnosis can help athletes visualize success, reduce anxiety, and improve their overall mental state.

Is there a risk of negative side effects from hypnosis?

Hypnosis is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified professional. However, some people may experience temporary discomfort or anxiety during or after a session. It is uncommon, but possible. It’s important to discuss any concerns with your hypnotherapist beforehand.

Can hypnosis be used to recover lost memories?

There is limited evidence to support the use of hypnosis for memory retrieval. While it may be possible to access previously forgotten memories under hypnosis, there is also a risk of creating false memories or getting inaccurate information.

Can hypnosis be used to treat severe mental health conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder?

Hypnosis is generally not recommended for individuals with severe mental health conditions. These conditions often require specialized treatment approaches and may not be suitable for the techniques used in hypnosis. professional help like hypnotherapy, and maintain healthy habits such as exercise, and mindfulness.