Hypnotherapy for anxiety, stress and trauma relief
Client Success Stories in Their Own Words
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Anxiety and Stress Relief
I suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD. After my first session I walked out of this room feeling like a new person
He has helped me to the point where those feelings are gone and I feel like a new person.
His techniques worked wonders for my anxiety. With his guidance…I was able to look beyond the “yucky” event that landed me in his office…
There were so many negative thoughts, repressed past memories that i was not consciously aware of. Today i feel like a huge burden has been lifted off and i am finally living the life i always wanted to.
After just 3 sessions I have been able to sleep trough the night and my faith in the future is so much higher then when I started.
Working with Dan, my confidence level has really increased, my level of anxiety has decreased so much that I am able to have clarity of thought.
I was struggling with persistent negative thoughts and behaviors…Dan was able to eliminate the problem quickly and it feels like there has been a fundamental shift in my overall mindset.
Mr. Dan helped me to Live again. I had years of bottled up beliefs due to disabling PTSD…
I decided to work on performance anxiety that I get in certain situations to see if that could be helped, and I must say that by the end of just one session I felt much better and more confident
From the time of my first session until now, I don’t find myself having as many anxiety attacks, if any, nor am I doing any stress reactions
Weight Loss
I Lost 30 Pounds on The Weight Loss Program and I’m Still Losing…The habits I’ve learned have been life-changing for me.
You absolutely should give it a try…marked improvement in just a few weeks…its been an absolutely spectacular experience
Discover this client’s journey for losing weight quickly, and getting additional benefits of anxiety reduction.
SVHC really helped my personal growth and confidence in addition to my eating habits. I don’t feel afraid of my eating or disappointed in myself.
Ron – Weight Loss and Anxiety Reduction
Discover this client’s journey for losing weight quickly, and getting additional benefits of anxiety reduction.
Trauma Relief
…being a 3 time Veteran with Severe PTSD and being completely disabled…With residual head trauma symptoms and severe depression…I’m now driving. No anxiety I can’t manage. I don’t feel depressed. I’m smiling.
As a result of the sessions…I’ve let go of past traumas…I have never had this much improvement in such a short period of time…It was affordable…
He is a caring and compassionate practitioner and I feel very safe during our sessions
Health Issues
Working with Dan has given me back my life…only more and better than before. Life transforming is all I can say.
I’ve had serious eczema on my right hand for about four years now…nothing worked…After just one session, about 80% of the symptoms had cleared up. Huge relief.
Major change in pain levels associated with athletic activities and reduction in the number and frequency of troubling dreams.
Cancer, claustrophobia, releasing a clenched muscle…each session had a tremendous healing impact on me.
Other Types of Results
With my background in psychology, I wasn’t sure…but this was the exact technique I needed to overcome my fear of public speaking
Every session has been like a miracle…this is the most effective therapy I’ve ever had…
He is amazingly skilled at finding the blocks that prevent from moving to the next level of greatness and removing them for good in a fun and enjoyable way.
ADD, newfound focus has helped me do a lot better in my business and is translating into real dollars and cents
I feel like after years and years of doing self-help, Dan really helped me…in a faster and more rapid way
Client success stories in their own words
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