Get Relaxing Weight Loss Hypnosis to Finally Get Off The Dieting Roller Coaster And Reprogram Your Mind to Think Thin

Discover how to lose weight without diets, starving yourself, doing extreme exercise, or missing out on fun in life.

Why Most People Can’t Lose Weight

The decision to finally lose weight with hypnosis often starts with being fed up. You’ve tried everything:

  • Uncomfortable exercises
  • Cutting sugar
  • Going to a gym
  • Crash diets
  • Having a low-calorie diet

Yet, nothing works…

The problem is usually in your subconscious mind. Your mind has been programmed to want foods that are unhealthy but taste good, and to feel AWFUL about foods and habits that make you lose weight…

Now it’s time to escape this prison and lose weight once and for all.

How to Use Hypnosis to Extra Pounds Quickly – And Why Is It The Best Weight Loss Program For You

With weight loss hypnotherapy, we change your old programming and instead change the mind’s tendencies so it starts to feel good doing healthy behaviors and feel bad doing unhealthy behaviors. 

You won’t ever feel bad losing weight, instead, you’ll finally enjoy it!

Hypnosis Over 30 Times as Effective for Weight Loss

In a weight loss study, there was a group of 60 people, at least 20% overweight.

Treatment included group hypnosis with metaphors for ego strengthening, decision making and motivation. After the study, when we compared the results, hypnosis was more effective by 3,000%.

17 Lbs Lost By The Hypnosis Group Compared to a 0.5 Lbs by the Control Group

Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986). Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492.

Why Most Programs May NOT Be Successful For You

Most programs are generic – aimed at everyone, whether you’re a man, a woman, old, young, stressed, or not.

However, that’s a big no-no.

If there was a plan that worked for everyone, there wouldn’t be so many different coaches, diets, and weight loss exercises.

SPOILER ALERT: There’s no such thing as the perfect program for everyone.

That’s why we customize your program to suit your needs. 

Here’s How It Works

Our Mind Over Matter Weight Loss program consists of 5 modules to cover each challenge you may encounter in your journey to a better health and physique.

  1. Goal setting. We set goals and metrics for your ideal figure or physique. You’ll be clear on what your ideal shape is going to feel and look like. 
  2. Changing Your Subconscious. We change your natural preferences for certain kinds of food, so you naturally choose foods that will help you lose weight – without any hassle.
  3. Portion control. Find yourself more naturally eating the right portions of food that leave you feeling satisfied, but not uncomfortable.
  4. Snacking. If you have issues with constant snacking, you’ll discover what to do instead (and secrets to use snacking as a way to lose more weight).
  5. Exercise. Learn to enjoy exercise so that you naturally want to do it. While exercise may not be as important as you may have been told, when you enjoy it more, it will more easily become a habit. 

We hold your hand and reprogram your subconscious to move past having to use willpower, enjoy the process, and to not let your mind stop you from achieving your goals.


Troubleshooting, Special Occasions, & Stress

No need to worry about failing in your weight loss journey because of:

  • Family trips
  • Holidays
  • Stress

We’re here for you every step of the way with protocols and tips to help you cope with stress and limit “stress eating”.

You’ll also get tips on what to eat and do on holidays and special occasions. This is what thin people do, so why not learn to think like them?

No extra charge for these modules – we want to see you get fit!

The “Before” And “After”

Here are some of our happy clients and their incredible and quick results.

“I Lost 30 Pounds on The Weight Loss Program and I’m Still Losing… The habits I’ve learned have been life-changing for me.”



“You absolutely should give it a try… Marked improvement in just a few weeks… It’s been an absolutely spectacular experience.”


You Can Achieve Your Goals in a Fast and Sustainable Way. Learn How Hypnosis Can Do Wonders For You.


Schedule your free session now.