How To Be More Mindful

This is my fifth and final post in the Tools for Rapid Change series, and I wanted to end with a very impactful tool I encourage my clients to use in their everyday lives: mindfulness. Even though it doesn’t take any money or fancy equipment to adopt a practice of mindfulness, studies have shown that mindfulness can improve cases of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. But you don’t have to struggle with these things in order to benefit. Put simply, mindfulness is for everyone.

What Does It Mean to Be Mindful?

According to Psychology Today, mindfulness encompasses 3 main tenants: being able to let go of taking things for granted, return to the present moment, and embrace a self-regulation of attention with an attitude of curiosity, openness, and acceptance. How many people can say that they have even one of those down pat? In our fast-paced world of endless data, technology, and stress, most of us have forgotten how to simply live and be in the present.

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How to Use Mindfulness to Relieve Stress or Anxiety

Oftentimes, my clients want to relieve stress, anxiety, or even bouts of depression. I find that mindfulness can be useful for getting in touch with our true selves without judgment or fear—but how do we become more mindful? This is where a coach comes in; in our sessions together, I will teach you how to quiet your mind, focus your thoughts, and reach a state of mindfulness before taking advantage of any of the other tools I offer. It’s that important!

Certain activities can also make it easier, such as meditating, practicing yoga, walking outside in nature, or journaling. No matter how you find your zen, the awareness that mindfulness brings to any situation can be a powerful step towards experiencing personal change.

There you have a brief look into each of these five tools. (If you’d like to read my previous posts, I write about hypnosisNLPtransformational coaching, and meridian tapping.) The beauty of being able to move through these sets of tools is knowing which tool to start with based on a specific outcome. If we don’t get the full result we want, there’s always another set of tools that we can use. I like to think of it as a plane that has just taken off. You’re not necessarily going straight towards your destination at the beginning, but the pilot self-corrects as the plane flies, and you always land at your destination on a dime.

Switching Between Tools

I had a client who came to see me last year for low-level anxiety. After three sessions, I started to see some loosening of the anxiety. (This is what I look for with all of my clients, to make sure that we’re a fit to work together.) We had cut her anxiety in half, from about a 7 to a 3, but it wasn’t completely resolved. I had been using one set of tools to get us there, but halfway through, I switched to another modality. In one of our sessions, she suddenly underwent a huge breakthrough, during which I could see the tension draining from her body. Through tears, she told me this was the first time in her life that she felt totally free. It was a beautiful thing to witness, and I strive to get there with all of my clients. The tools that I’ve shared with you will help resolve the deep-rooted issues that may be stopping you from living the life you deserve.

Ready to get started? Feel free to contact me and book your first appointment today.

To learn more about how hypnosis can help you to resolve issues and reach your goals, click below to schedule a consultation session.
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