What Looney Toons can teach you about life: Part 1

What if I told you Looney Toons can teach you how to live a happier, more fulfilled life?

You’d probably think I was joking but…

With the Acme products, anvils and plans that always seem to go wrong, it may be the stuff of cartoons, but there are some powerful lessons on how to lead a happier life.

If you ever watched the “Looney Toons” cartoons with Wile. E Coyote and The Roadrunner, you may have gotten a laugh out of it. I did when I was younger, and still do today.

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I happened upon an exhibit in Seattle recently at the Experience Music Project museum about the creation of these cartoons. There, beside some hilarious props, was a list of rules about the Road Runner and Coyote that I thought had great potential as useful rules to more out of life  – with my own interpretation, of course!

In this blog series, I’ll share these rules and  how they can apply to living a happier life.

Rule #1: The Road Runner cannot harm the coyote except by going “Beep-Beep”

Think your own thoughts, and don’t let words like “Beep-Beep” (or other words) harm you.

Eleanor Roosevelt said that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. That is a good philosophy to adopt around worrying what others might think of you. I know some people who make decisions about what to do based on what they think others might think about them. And I know other people who act according to their own values and integrity – their internal compass.

It is not the words themselves that cause the bad feelings. It is only what we make the words mean that can cause the negative feelings about it. This may seem like a hard pill to swallow, but remember “nobody can make you feel bad without your consent.”

So, try on the idea that “words cannot harm you.” And imagine a life where you were less worried about what people thought of you. I’m not saying you should not care about other people’s feelings, nor am I saying you shouldn’t be impacted by others. But I am saying that it may be useful to live life according to your internal compass, and strive to be “harmed” less by what other people think.

Stay tuned for the next blog in our series- there will be nine in total, and all of them have great lessons. Who knew the creators of Looney Toons were so wise?!

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