3 Ways to Relieve Anxiety

Almost every person will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Anxiety is our body and mind’s response to perceived stressful, unfamiliar, or dangerous situations. Typically characterized by a sense of uneasiness, dread, or distress felt before an event or because of an event, anxiety can be fleeting or severe. A certain level of anxiety is normal and helps us to stay alert and aware. Still, if you find that anxiety is disrupting your ability to live your life to its fullest, it may be time to take steps to reduce its harmful effects.

Fortunately, if you are experiencing anxiety, there are things you can do to help negate its harmful symptoms. In instances where anxiety is severe or chronic, people may seek medication to help. Yes, in many cases, medication-free treatment methods can put you in a healthier position to manage your anxiety.

Engage In Physical Activity to Relieve Anxiety
Anxiety affects the mind and the body, and research shows that physical exercise can relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Exercise reduces anxiety’s effects the most when you make it a regular part of your routine. Studies show that exercise and physical activity help reduce anxiety because it:

• Releases endorphins which improve mood
• Lowers stress hormones like cortisol
• Improves quality of sleep
• Boosts self-esteem

Any level of physical activity that suits your ability and lifestyle can help you manage anxiety and reduce stress. Walking, strength training, swimming, or team sports are some activities that help combat stress and anxiety.

Meditation Helps Balance Your Mind

Just like physical exercise, mental exercise is good for the mind, body, and soul. Meditation – an ancient Buddhist practice has been shown by modern-day science to be an effective method of treating various mental health issues, including anxiety. Fortunately, anyone can learn meditation techniques, and mental exercises can be performed in any setting and time.

Mindfulness meditation is simply the practice of focusing your mind on the present moment through deep breathing and attention to your thoughts. As these thoughts enter your mind, you acknowledge their presence and then let them go. This form of detached observation relieves stress-inducing thoughts that exacerbate anxiety and clears the mind allowing space for problem-solving.

Hypnotherapy Can Reduce Anxiety

Hypnotherapy is a technique practiced by a professional hypnotherapist that can help reduce a person’s anxiety. When a person enters a hypnotic state, they benefit from the clarity of thought and deep relaxation afforded by the altered state of awareness. The practice of hypnotherapy can be a beneficial treatment for habit control, sleep disorders, weight loss, depression, and many other issues that negatively impact a person’s health. Hypnotherapy has proven to alleviate anxiety when experienced live with a hypnotherapist.

Final Thoughts

While a certain amount of anxiety is a natural part of life, living with chronic anxiety can adversely impact your life and compromise your well-being. You can manage stress and anxiety through physical exercise, meditation, and hypnotherapy, reducing their harmful symptoms.