The best of the SVHC blog

Every so often, it’s good to go back and reassess. That goes for your goals, your lifestyle, your relationships, your career…and even your blog.

Last year I decided I wanted to make my services accessible to people all over the world. One of the ways I’ve been doing that is through my blog. Through a variety of written articles and vlogs, I’ve been expanding the amount of people who have access to the services I offer.

To learn more about how hypnosis can help you to resolve issues and reach your goals, click below to schedule a consultation session.
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In the past few weeks I’ve gone through the last year’s worth of posts to determine what more I can do in 2016. I came away with some great ideas, but also with some fond memories of last year’s work.

Below is a list of my favorite posts from 2015. Stay tuned, 2016 promises to offer even more helpful content and resources.

  • Ever wanted to know why I started coaching in the first place? And in Silicon Valley? Read this.
  • I offer various change modalities, one of them being hypnotherapy. I get a lot of questions on hypnotherapy, why I offer it, what it is and how it differs from coaching and other change modalities. Read more about my perspective on all of that here.
  • I’m obsessed with Looney Toons. I went to Seattle and visited the Looney Toons Museum last year, and wrote a series on what Looney Toons can teach you about life. Seriously. There are a lot of lessons you can take away from the TV show. Read them here.
  • Finally, I wrote a piece on why I hate hypnosis. It might sound strange and counterintuitive coming from a hypnotherapist, but you’ll have to read more to learn why.

To learn more about how hypnosis can help you to resolve issues and reach your goals, click below to schedule a consultation session.
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